The Mendo Cup ~ Farmer Entry

Sunday, May 4, 2025
Willits Little Lake Grange
291 School St., Willits, CA

Awards will be announced at 4:20

Sponsored by The Mendocino Producers Guild

A special event to showcase traditional licensed flower brands from small farms in Mendocino County which embrace fine organic craftsmanship.

Conditions and Requirements To Enter The Mendo Cup:

To enter the Mendo Cup, your flowers must be grown on a Licensed cultivation site in Mendocino County in full sun, for the full season, with no covers and no lights using organic methods. We are talking Classic Mendo.

Both seeds and clones are allowed – please be sure to mark the appropriate box on the application form so we know which you used.

There will be 5 awards given (1st through 5th place) plus an award to the Top Breeder. The judging will take place the previous day, May 3, 2025. We have assembled a very accomplished group of 13 Judges. This will be a completely blind judging event

Only the first 42 entries will be accepted so get your Application in SOON! Only 1 entry allowed per farm.

$50 per entry be paid in cash or check to Mendocino Producers Guild when you turn in your sample entry – see below for submission instructions

All Judges will receive one free ticket plus one to the event (your names will be on the guest list at the door).

What to Enter

Once your application has been accepted, prepare your best flowers to enter ONE oz of beautiful competition quality flowers in a 1 pint wide-mouth Mason Jar.

Leave the jar unmarked so they all look the same when the Judges see them, and we will assign numbers for the Judges for their blind tasting. ALSO, please submit one branded 1/8 oz jar that clearly shows your Farm’s name with one perfect bud inside – this is for the display case at the event so guests can see all the entries.

If you sell in bulk and do not have a branded jar, please make a simple label with your farm name prominently displayed on the front of the 1/8 jar. Also, please turn in a copy of the COA taped to the bottom of your Mason jar when your entry is submitted.

We will contact you with drop off hours and location.


You may also request to have a place on a shared farmer table to display your flowers and sell your swag. There are 20 spaces available. Absolutely no sales of flowers or cannabis products, including seeds or clones, is allowed. Be sure to include Mendocino sales tax in your sales please.

Mendo Cup Farmer Application

Cannabis Farmers Mendo Cup(#12)

We welcome your photos to run on our social media to promote brands which enter the Mendo Cup. Please upload pictures of yourself, your farm and garden, your branded merchandise but not individual buds which may draw the wrong kind of attention